Owned and Unread Project

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Back to the Classics Challenge Check-In

How is everyone doing with the Back to the Classics Challenge? This is just a quick reminder, there are about 10 weeks left of the year to finish the challenge (I can't believe it's almost over!) I've finished nine of the twelve categories and posted eight reviews so far, so I need to buckle down and finish up! Remember, you only have to have read six classics to qualify, and they can crossover with other challenges you may have signed up for (just not within this challenge). 

Also, I wanted to let everyone know that I'll be posting a page where you can link your Wrap-Up Posts. Remember, you need to write a short post with links to all your reviews -- if I can't find all your reviews, I won't be able to enter you into the drawing! You don't have to read books from all 12 categories -- a minimum of six books and you'll be entered! 

And if anyone is wondering, yes, I will be hosting the challenge again in 2017! I have some fun new categories that I'm very excited about and I hope everyone will like them! 

Has anyone finished the challenge yet? Which books did you like so far? And is everyone still interested in the challenge for 2017?


  1. I wasn't able to do the 2016 challenge, but I'm looking forward to tackling more classics in 2017!

    1. Great! I hope you find some great classics you enjoy.

  2. I fell short. I know I have 2 more months, but I don't think I'm going to make it this year. Certainly I will try, but it's not looking good. Maybe I didn't chose books I was excited about. However, 2017 I will choose more wisely. Yes, I will. : )

    1. You only need six classics to enter, and don't forget that you can use books from another challenge. If you wrote an initial post with a list of books you wanted to read, you're not locked in, you can change them at any time. And short classics are fine too!

  3. I am super excited (and slightly surprised) that I have already read and blogged about all 12 categories. I LOVE this challenge and cannot wait to see what you have planned for 2017! :)

    Aside from the Dickens and Trollope books I read this year, I think my favorite read was The Grapes of Wrath. It was a difficult book to read but worth the trouble.

    1. Great! I'll post the final link-up page in a couple of days. I have some new categories for next year but a few will stay the same.

      I'm glad you like Dickens and Trollope, and Steinbeck is one of my favorites. I was really intimidated by The Grapes of Wrath but I really liked it. There are definitely some categories next year where you could fit in more Steinbeck.

  4. I sort of got derailed this year with my own Reading New England challenge. I tried to combine some, but it didn't always work. However, next year I'll try to be back in a more focused way!

    1. I can't believe I still have to read three more books for my own challenge! I look forward to having you back for the challenge next year.

    2. I think I've linked up four, and I can probably squeeze in two more by the end of the year, so I'm still in - if not for all categories as was my goal.

  5. I went through a big reading slump this summer, and so I have only read 5 classics so far this year. Boo! But I'll definitely be able to read one more (or maybe two), and then I can make plans for next year. I'm already looking forward to it.

  6. I've done 10 and have 2 to go: short stories and 19th century. Surely I must have read a 19th century book already this year? I should go look...I do have the short stories planned--Gogol's collected.

    1. I have two 19th century possibilities on my TBR. Speeches of Frederick Douglass or a Trollope novel. Would speeches count? Because I think Douglass qualifies no matter how he's expressing himself.

  7. I'm too late for this year, but I'm keeping tabs to see what you have up for next so I can take part too! :)

  8. I've finished all 12 categories and have posted all my reviews. I just need to do a wrap up post, which I'll do soon. My favorites this year were The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and To Kill a Mockingbird. I also enjoyed another Dorothy L Sayers Lord Peter Wimsey book and one of her short story volumes, also of Lord Peter Wimsey stories. I haven't decided about next year yet.

  9. I will definitely be looking for the 2017 sign-up post :) This challenge is my favorite :)

  10. Hi Karen,
    I just started this challenge. Lovely to discover your blog through it. Looking forward to more.

  11. Just saw this post--yes, I'm planning on signing up again in 2017! Thanks for hosting.

  12. So happy that you will be hosting the Challenge in 2017! It has helped me focus even if I have run short on time again. Maybe your being in Europe will inform your categories for 2017, I would like to become familiar with more European classics. I feel terribly insular, my reading has been mostly Amercan and British classics.

  13. I finished a while back and have some more classics on hand, but I am saving them for next year. I'm glad you'll be doing it again! I'm working on my wrap-up post.

  14. I didn't manage it this year. Will there be another one next year.

    1. Yes! I'll be posting it in the next few days!


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