Owned and Unread Project

Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Readathon List

My first Readathon!!  I'm so looking forward to this, I've already started collecting piles of books and making lists.

Unfortunately, I am not actually going to be able to participate in the entire 24 hours.  I am leading back-to-back book groups that morning -- sorry, I just can't miss the discussion of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies!!  So I'll miss about three hours.  And I honestly don't think I can stay up all night reading, I'd be completely zonked the next day.   I'll probably end up reading about 15 or 16 hours, which is still a lot.

Since this is my first Readathon, I have no idea how many books or pages I'll be reading, so I don't have any particular goals other than to get through as many as possible.  I'm guessing I can get through at least three or four books.  I will be donating to charity based on my results.  I've never done this before, but I was thinking a penny a page, plus $5 for every book completed.  I'll be donating to the Humane Society of San Antonio.  And my nine-year-old daughter is participating also!  She's going to donate a penny a page to SNIPSA, another pet charity, and I told her I'd pay half so she doesn't deplete her savings account.  (She's a fast reader!)

I tried to take most of my Readathon list off of my to-read bookshelf, which is getting bigger and bigger!  I really shouldn't even check out more library books, but I volunteer twice a week, and I can't help myself.  (So many good things -- it's like being in a candy store!)

So, here is a list of my potential reads:

1.  Blankets by Craig Thompson.  I've heard it's a good idea to have a graphic novel for Readathon, and I've heard so many things about this one.  It's a must-read.

2.  One juvenile book by Diana Wynne Jones, either The Pinhoe Egg or Homeward Bounders, both on my to-read shelf.

3.   One Persephone, as they're starting to pile up.  I have two that I just checked out from the library (thank you, Interlibrary Loan!):  The Home Maker by Dorothy Canfield, and An Interrupted Life: The Letters of Etty Hillesum.  I also have a nice stack from my owned-and-unread bookcase. Mariana was the earliest unread purchase, so that's possible, but Cheerful Weather for the Wedding is nice and short.

4.  Something creepy for RIP.  Probably We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson, or The Invisible Man by H. G. Wells.

5.  Something by Joan Aiken, author of The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, one of my favorite childhood books.  She wrote a lot of short gothic novels for adults also, so that would satisfy RIP.  I definitely want a lot of short books to choose from!

6.  The Blue Castle by L. M. Montgomery.  Because I loved Anne of Green Gables.

7.  Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn.  It's short and been on my bookshelf forever, and I think it will be a fast read.  Perfect for Readathon.

8.  Ophelia Joined the Group Maidens Who Don't Float by Sarah Schmelling.  A humorous-looking book -- what if literary characters were alive today and all joined a social networking group?  Literary and timely!

9.  Pearl Buck in China by Hilary Spurling -- a new biography, been on the library's wait list for this for months.  I really loved The Good Earth, and last year I was lucky enough to visit her home

10.  The Thin Man by Dashiell Hammett -- it's the November selection for my IRL classics book group, and I'll be picking it up that day.

Other possible reads:

The Bookshop by Penelope Fitzgerald
Wuthering High by Cara Lockwood
The True Deceiver by Tove Jansson.
The Ghosts of Kerfol by Deborah Noyes

Plus I have lots of books of short stories -- always a good choice, since you can read them in bits and pieces to break up the longer books.

Anyone else participating in Readathon?  What are you reading?  And do I have too many books on my list?  This will be so fun!


  1. I love your list! Blankets is perfect, and so is We Have Always Lived in the Castle. I loved Ella Minnow Pea but I suggest reading it earlier in your reading time because there are a lot of language construction in the second half. Like replacing "f" with "ph" or "d" with "t" - it certainly makes your mind crazy after awhile, in a good way, but it might not be good really late at night. :D

    Oh and I was supposed to read The Thin Man during readathon, but I started it this morning and have a feeling I'll be done with it by tonight...

  2. Last year I only read for about 12 hours, and that was good for me! We actually have a couple of the same books in our plans! Have fun!

  3. I don't think you can have too many books in your list -- at least it gives you a lot to choose from! I don't have such a big stack, but have a few audio books on hand just in case. And short stories sound like a good idea.

    Have fun reading with your daughter and good luck with your preparations!

  4. I also have Homeward Bounders in my stack and I'll probably not be able to resist it for long. :) Have a great read-a-thon!

  5. I never participate for the whole 24 hours either.

    I hope that you are getting to at least do some reading despite the upset you have had.


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