Owned and Unread Project

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Persephone Reading Weekend Giveaway

The beautiful endpapers of Fidelity by Susan Glaspell

I'm so excited about Persephone Reading Weekend, which starts tomorrow.  So, I thought it would be  the perfect time for a dove-grey giveaway!!  Due to a mix-up last year from an online book retailer, I accidentally received two copies of a a dove-grey Persephone: Fidelity by Susan Glaspell (which is sadly still unread on my TBR shelf).  According to the Persephone catalog, Fidelity is a "1915 novel by a Pulitzer-prize winning writer brilliantly describing the long-term consequences of a girl in Iowa running off with a married man."

I've heard so many good things about it, I thought this would be the perfect time to share, so I'm giving away my extra copy!  But I'm going to make it a little challenging.  Since Persephones are known for their beautiful endpapers, I thought I'd incorporate that into the challenge.  I'll choose the winner at random from anyone who can correctly identify the following Persephone endpapers by the deadline:

Don't leave your guesses in the comments; instead, email me at karenlibrarian13 [at] yahoo [dot] com.  And be sure and put the name of your blog in the email so I can link to it in the announcement if you win!  The contest is open world-wide, and it will be open until Midnight Sunday, February 27, U.S. Central Standard Time, and I'll post the results Monday morning, same time zone.  Good luck and happy reading!


  1. That one does sound interesting...maybe I'll borrow your other copy in a year or so. :D

  2. I'm lusting after Fidelity but then I'm lusting after several Persephones!

    Thank you so much for hosting a giveaway, Karen.

  3. This is an awesome giveaway. I'm going to get cracking on it!

    What are reading over the weekend? I only have one Persephone that I rescued from a used bookstore (it looks brand new), so that is going to be my one choice (Mariana by Monica Dickens).

  4. Such a kind heart you have, to give this grey away. I have it on my shelf already, as yet unread, but it does look divine! Good luck to some lucky bibliophile.

  5. This sounds like a book that deals with really important subjects! Thanks for holding a giveaway :-)

  6. They do have such beautiful endpapers! I will try my best.

  7. Amanda -- you are always welcome to borrow my books, anytime.

    Paperback Reader -- I have too many on my TBR list! I'm trying to get some from various libraries but I know I'll end up buying more.

    Bellezza -- I'm so happy to have discovered Persephone through blogging that I want to share. I've received several books from giveaways and I'm so thankful. It's nice to return the favor.

    Aarti -- it looks really interesting, I don't know why I haven't read it yet. I still have about 70 Persephones left to read.

    Motheretc. -- good luck!

  8. What a lovely giveaway... I'd love to read this book. Thank you!

  9. I have read just one Persephone and that only because it was a gift! This looks lovely and what a gorgeous giveaway.

  10. So generous of you, Karen. I've heard good things about Fidelity. :)


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