Owned and Unread Project

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

TBR Readathon Results and TBR Dare Update

So, there was a TBR Readathon over the weekend (hosted by Unputdownables)  and I did my best.  W hat was I thinking, signing up for a Readathon the same weekend as my book groups, the Superbowl, and the Latin competition???  Seriously.  After my good start on Saturday with about 250 pages read, I kept falling asleep reading on Sunday.  But perhaps it was my reading material.  I did eventually make some progress, but it seemed like the whole day was bits and pieces of this and that.  Here's my final results for the weekend:

  • Farewell Leicester Square by Betty Miller -- read about 2/3, approximately 230 pages
  • A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry -- completed, about 150 pages
  • Villette by Charlotte Bronte-- 49 pages (still more than 500 to go!)
  • The Virago Book of Ghost Stories -- completed, read about 100 pages over the weekend

I guess it's not a bad total for a weekend, but nowhere near what I was hoping and not nearly as much as last spring -- I did finish two novellas and an enormous graphic novel, but I guess I can't compare that.  Next Readathon I want to book a hotel room and read all weekend.  And order room service! (Well, I can dream, can't I?)

And as for my TBR Dare Challenge -- I've completed 16 books so far this year, of which three were rereads.  Of those,  seven were books from my TBR shelves, which isn't bad. It's approximately 50% of my reads which is what I was hoping for.  Last year I completed about 130 books, and only 28 were unread books from my own shelves -- approximately 22% owned books versus library books read!   I'd love to read ONLY from my shelves this year, but I just know it won't happen.  Between book groups and volunteering at the library, I am constantly assaulted by the temptation of books.

Regarding the book-buying ban, I've been pretty strong.  I've been to bookstores several times since January 1 and not purchased anything for myself (presents for others do not count.  And I am NOT buying books for myself and pretending they're presents, I swear.)  My one digression so far was at the library's book sale last week -- I found a tiny little Trollope that I just could not resist!  It is a 1950 edition of Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite, in a cute little pocket size, from Oxford University Press.  It was only $1 and I felt the need to make an exception for Trollope -- seriously, could you blame me?

And how did everyone else do over the weekend?  Lots of books crossed off the TBR list?  And is anyone else trying a book-buying ban, and have you been successful so far?


  1. Oh gosh, a hotel room sounds like heaven. I have thought of it myself as rarely an hour goes by during the 24 hour read-a-thon without an interruption of some kind. I love that Trollope title...lots of Hs. Don't blame you one bit for only $1. I tried a book-buying ban last year...I was not successful but it was a failure I didn't mind:)

  2. Maybe in April we should get a hotel! Of course, Readathon's on the same weekend as our book club again (sigh) but we'll have the rest of the 24 hours! I hope one day they change the date to the third weekend again instead of the second.

  3. btw, I made library sales an exception to my book buying ban this year. Can't wait for the Semmes sale this weekend!

  4. Stacy -- doesn't that sound like heaven, having nothing to do but read books, with no distractions? I am seriously thinking about it. I wonder if my family would understand or if they'd feel betrayed and abandoned. . . I wonder if I can justify this as some kind of girl weekend?

    Amanda -- we should think about this. I'll do a little research on hotel rooms. . . and maybe we should just adjust the Readathon time from noon to noon since we couldn't check in at 7 a.m. anyway. Or something. Let's discuss. And I may join you at the library book sale on Friday!!

  5. The sale's on Saturday. I don't volunteer so I can't go Friday night. :(

    I think we can manage from 7 to 7 okay. I'd rather stick with the official time since it's the same for everyone across the world, adjusted for time zone. It's fun to go by the hours on the Readathon site. :D

    Seriously, though, San Antonio Blogger Readathon Group sounds awesome!!

  6. Hey you did better than I thought! If you had been reading shorter, easier novels, you would have finished at least a couple. It all matters what material you choose doesn't it? I learned that this time too. :)

  7. I have utterly failed at my book buying ban! I lasted a month.

  8. That's pretty good progress! I did have a book buying ban at several times last year, and I did quite well, but this year I am buying books with reckless abandon which is fine as long as I don't let my TBR get too big - it's just about manageable at the moment!

  9. A hotel with room service and nothing to do but read sounds like heaven!

  10. Amanda -- this has definite possibilities. We'll have to make plans when it gets closer.

    Wallace -- I've decided it's all about the page numbers, not the number of books. Though it is so satisfying to cross finished books off my TBR list!

    Verity -- I'm really trying to cut back, but it is SO HARD. I think I'm addicted.

    Motheretc -- It does sound heavenly, doesn't it? I dream about being locked in a bookstore or a library. If I had a couch, a good light, and snacks, I'd be fine for a long time.


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