Owned and Unread Project

Friday, February 4, 2011

TBR Readathon

It's a Readathon weekend hosted by Wallace at Unputdownables, and it's the perfect opportunity to complete a few books off my TBR shelves.  I do have a book group meeting tomorrow, but I should have lots of time to get some serious reading done.  Here are some of my choices: 

From top to bottom:

1.  A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry -- my book group selection for tomorrow -- I'd better get this one done tonight! 

2.  The Virago Book of Ghost Stories -- I started this one last week during Virago Reading week, and I only have five more stories left.  Should be an easy one to finish. 

3.  Flush by Virginia Woolf -- it's short, it's a Persephone (though not this particular edition) and Amanda from The Zen Leaf chose it for me as part of our reading swap.

4.  Mrs. Craddock by W. Somerset Maugham -- because I'm in the mood for some Maugham.  The Painted Veil is one of my favorites and I was tempted to check out some Maugham today while I was volunteering at the library.  But I was strong and resisted -- got to work on my own shelves first! 

5. Modoc: The True Story of the Greatest Elephant That Ever Lived by Ralph Helfer.  I have a whole shelf of nonfiction books and I love animal stories.  I've been thinking about elephants since I went to the zoo the other day (it was in the 70s on Monday -- and today we had a snow day!  Go figure.) 

6.  Villette by Charlotte Bronte -- Not the whole thing!  Just about 30 pages for this week's Readlong entry.  I'm behind already! 

7.  Love and Kisses and a Halo of Truffles: Letters to Helen Evans Brown by James Beard.  This is one of the books on my TBR shelf I've owned longest, so I really want to make some progress.  I started this volume of letters the other night, and I don't know if I'd want to read the entire thing straight through but it's fun to read a few at a time.  It's all about food and recipes so it makes me really hungry. 

So -- is anyone else participating?  What are you reading?  I'll try and post updates but it'll only be once or twice a day.  


  1. I am unofficially participating. Since I have family coming down tonight for the weekend, I am not sure how much I will accomplish... hopefully 3? Good luck!

  2. What a glorious thought: 48 hours to read. Now, who will clean my house, I wonder? I don't know if I can be a good working mother and wife and still devote that much time to reading, but I will be reading Villette. Finished the first five chapters last night, and now I'm wondering how I can adhere to the reading schedule because I'm enjoying it so much!

    Happy Reading!

  3. LOL I looked at that pile and said wow you're attempting some BIG books. :D

    I went through a whole spree of reading 15 pages of a bunch of books on my shelves I was unsure of and have deleted 20 off...I'm not sure that's really what this readathon is supposed to be about but that's what ended up happening! So far the only book I've finished is The Pearl and that's uber short...

  4. I so wish I could participate, but I'm working all day tomorrow. I can do a mini readathon on Sunday, I suppose!

  5. I'm in awe of your ability to buckle down and plow through books! I need to step it up, or I'll never get through the book-related items on my list!

  6. Svea -- three is a really good goal for one weekend. I'll be sure and follow your progress.

    Bellezza -- Someday I'm going to get a hotel room and lock myself away and just read for a whole weekend. That way I won't have any distractions, and room service! I know I won't read for 48 hours but I'll try to check a few books off my list.

    Amanda -- I'm not planning on reading all of the big ones, just parts of them. I've just started Villette, I'm trying to pace myself.

    Anbolyn -- it will probably be more of a mini-readathon for me, since I just realized we have some plans for Sunday and I'm driving. I need to find a family-friendly audiobook for the car.

    Tom -- I really don't plow through, it's more of a reading buffet. You should read on all your plane trips! Are you still reading Dickens?

  7. Not participating but hopefully I'll catch up on my reading this weekend too. Somehow the month hasn't gotten off to a great start. I haven't finished my Virago book either. Yikes. Enjoy your book group and the readathon!

  8. I am so jealous. Just the idea of having two whole days to do nothing but read...I would be halfway through my current stack of books, maybe more :) Enjoy and hope you get to read some great stuff!!

  9. Sounds like fun! I don't think I'll be participating in this one though - I think I only read 25 pages of my book today...


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