Owned and Unread Project

Friday, September 2, 2011

RIP 2011

Even though the temperatures are still in the triple-digits here in Texas, it's starting to feel like fall -- and it's time for the RIP Challenge!  Last year I only managed to squeeze in a couple, but I'm really hoping to tackle some more this time around.  I've signed up for Peril the First, which means I'll be reading four books.  I have a nice stack of novels just begging to be read:

From top to bottom:

The Mystery of Mrs. Blencarrow by Margaret Oliphant
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
The Mystery of Edwin Drood by Charles Dickens
Drood by Dan Simmons
The Scapegoat by Daphne du Maurier
The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters

And I have this nice stack of short story volumes that would fit the challenge nicely:

Tales of Mystery and the Macabre by Elizabeth Gaskell
Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Thief by Maurice LeBlanc
The Ghost Stories of Muriel Spark
The Oxford Book of English Ghost Stories by R. A. Gilbert, editor
Murder on the Menu by Peter Haining

Plus I still have some library books I have on hold already, including The Haunted Bookshop by Christopher Morely;  The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole; and Lady Audley's Secret by Mary Elizabeth Braddon!!   Any winners or losers in the bunch?  If I get half of these finished, I'll be happy.

Bloggers, what are you reading for RIP?


  1. I really enjoyed Lady Audley's Secret. It's so long since I read The Scapegoat, I can't remember it! Arsene Lupin was OK-ish

  2. I might borrow Drood from you sometime. A few years ago a friend of mine told me I definitely needed to read it, so I've thought about it a lot. Not sure if I'll like it, but I might as well try no?

    Happy RIP!

  3. I didn't like The Haunted Bookshop as much as Parnassus on Wheels, so I'm interested to hear what you think. I did enjoy Lady Audley's Secret - melodrama with a capital "M".

  4. Excellent selection--I have been wanting to read The Scapegoat for awhile. That would be my first choice, and The Mystery of Edwin Drood definitely has its appeal. I did RIP last year and really enjoyed the spooky books so I should see what's on my shelf so that I can play along again. Definitely duMaurier!

  5. I didn't know Muriel Spark wrote ghost stories, how intriguing.

    We Have Always Lived in the Castle & The Little Stranger get my stamp of approval. I quite enjoyed The Haunted Bookshop, although nowhere near as much as Parnassus on Wheels, which comes before it. However, I'm afraid it won't count for your challenge, really, since the haunting is very metaphorical - basically haunted by the presence of books!

  6. Katrina -- a friend just raved about Lady Audley, so I think it's a must-read.

    Amanda -- I'm trying to decide if I need to read Dicken's Edwin Drood first or if Dan Simmons' Drood will have spoilers. Anyway, you're welcome to it, since it's a longshot read at this point.

    LIsa May -- well, if nothing else, The Haunted Bookshop is short! I don't know if it actually qualifies for RIP thought.

    JaneGS -- I really want to read The Scapegoat, it's been on the TBR shelf a couple of years now. Also I just reread Rebecca for a group read recently, and I want to read more of Du Maurier's works.

    StuckinABook -- I've only read one work by Spark, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, and I was disappointed. Hopefully I'll enjoy the ghost stories more. I didn't know The Haunted Bookshop wasn't really haunted -- in that case I may have to save it for later.

  7. Glad you are participating in RIP - it'll be fun to check out what you read. I've already one book, but still need three more to go. I'm thinking of tackling either A Discovery of Witches next or Sister. Either way, I'm loving this challenge! Have fun!

  8. I loved Lady Audley's Secret. I studied it on a Women's Literature course. Watch out for the octagonal room!

  9. The Little Stranger is excellent! I've just finished re-reading it for bookclub, and even knowing the ending I still find it chilling.

  10. Hi! We Have Always Lived in the Castle is one of my favorite books! I hope you enjoy it--can't wait for your review.

  11. I'm reading Lady Audley's Secret now and watched the miniseries last night. Very much like The Woman in White, if you're read that.


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