Owned and Unread Project

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Blogging Break

I wish I were in this hammock, reading a good book, but I am not.

As you may or may not have noticed, it's been nearly a month since my last blog posting.  Although I'm still reading at an admirable pace, lately I just have not been inspired enough to blog about it.  A full-time job and a family are just getting in the way, I guess.  For the past few months it's been feeling more like homework.  

So I'm not saying I'm going to give up blogging, but for awhile, I'm going to take a little break.  I'm still following lots of book blogs, and I'm going to continue commenting (at least until July 1 when Google Reader is disappearing, and I'll have to find another way to keep up with my subscriptions).

Anyway, I'll have plenty of books to keep me busy and I hope to be back at some point.  Happy reading, everyone!


  1. A break is often a good idea, Karen. Having time to read in a busy life is much more important than blogging. Enjoy your blog free space.

  2. Happy reading! We'll see you when you get back. :)

  3. I have missed your blogs, but I'm relieved to hear that you're just taking a break and not ill. I don't have a blog, but it seems like blogging should be fun for you, not a chore. Take your time, read as much as you can, and share when you feel like it.

  4. Best wishes and I'll be checking back--it's time for a break when what should be fun becomes a chore and a bore.

    Happy reading!

  5. You will be missed (and have been missed), but I wish you much restful reading!

  6. I don't comment much, but I read you regularly. Have a nice break! Oh, and check out Bloglovin' if you haven't already. I follow all my favorite blogs there now.

  7. When blogging seems like homework, it's a sure sign that a break is needed. Happy reading and enjoy your time away!

    P.S. I've signed up at Blogluvin' and imported the blogs I'm following from google reader (it was surprisingly simple). That way, I'll be sure not to miss your return:-)


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