Owned and Unread Project

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Back to the Classics Challenge 2014???

This past year, one of my favorite challenges has been the Back to the Classic Challenge hosted by Sarah at Sarah Reads Too Much.  This was a great challenge -- basically, participants read and blogged about six required categories and five optional categories.  After completion, they wrote a wrap-up post.  Participants who completed the required categories and wrap-up post got one entry into a drawing for a $30 gift card; people who complete additional categories get additional drawing entries.  Simple, right? (For more details, click here). 

Well, 2013 was Sarah's third year in a row of hosting the challenge, and sadly, she announced recently that she just had too much going on to host it for the fourth year.  However, she did offer to let anyone take over the hosting duties, at least temporarily.  So it got me thinking. . . what if I took over hosting for 2014?  Am I completely crazy?  I've been emailing back and forth with Sarah, and I think the hardest part will be setting up the sign-ups -- I've had several giveaways, but I've never hosted a challenge before.  I think the hardest thing would be incorporating the Mr. Linky widget.  (I've already had fun creating my own button, above).  

Bloggers, what do you think?  Am I a mad fool to consider this?  How hard can it be?  And most of all, is anyone interested in signing up if I take the plunge and do this?  Please let me know in the comments!!  And if you have any ideas for categories, list those as well.  I have some ideas and if I do this, I'll post by the end of the week. 


  1. I'm so glad I just found your blog! I'm new to blogging but have followed Back To the Classics Challenge on paper for the last two years. It's one of my favourite challenges and I'm so glad you are thinking of taking it over, so, no, I don't think you're crazy!

    As for input, I would really like to see Classic Non-Fiction in the main category because these aren't books we would perhaps choose willingly and it would be nice to be challenged to read at least one. Also, I wouldn't mind seeing a Classic Essay challenge. It doesn't have to be a complete book ….. perhaps a set number of essays or something like that.

    In any case, whatever you decide, I'm sure it will be great. I can't wait to see what you come up with. So glad I stopped by! :-)

  2. a) I LOVE the button.
    b) I would totally join.
    c) Doing the linkys isn't that hard; even I managed to do it for a year.
    d) I'll have to think about categories.

  3. DO IT!! You are my hero! I'll sign up immediately! And your button is awesome!! :) As for the categories... you can take some anniversaries upcoming in 2014, for example, and make them into special categories.

  4. I love the button you created!! I love that you are seriously thinking of taking this over - I think there will be lots of interest. Yay for the Classics!!

  5. I would participate! It's a great challenge and I would be sad to see it go.

  6. I love the sound of the Back to the Classics challenge; I was really hoping it would be running next year! I'd definitely join if you decide to host it. :)

  7. I am afraid that I have over committed myself this year and I am trying not to do that for 2014. However, I hate to see this challenge end! It has helped me get some great classics checked off my list this year! Looking forward to seeing your categories as well! (I am a possible participant...) :)

  8. Back to the Classics is one of the best reading challenges and I would hate to see it go. Please do host it this year!

  9. I was a complete slacker for the 2013 challenge, but am really hoping it lives on so I can try again! I've joined the Classics Club, but haven't gotten going on that one yet either (buying a fixer-upper house really puts a crimp in one's reading plans -- 2013 saw a lot of light & airy reading for me, when I had time to read at all!) If you do host, I will most definitely join and use this challenge to jump-start my dive back into the classics :)

    I'm hosting a Banned Books Challenge for the second year myself (lots of classics are banned & challenged, so yay for challenge cross-overs!), and honestly Mr Linky is one of the easiest parts! Just remember that if you want to have multiple linkies open at once on your blog (say a sign-up linky and a review linky) you do need to get their paid version ($5 I believe)

    P.S. LOVE your blog name and the challenge button is just lovely :) Making a button is way harder than Mr Linky, if you ask me!

  10. I'll definitely participate if you host. This is one of my favorite challenges (although I'm struggling to complete it this year. One still to go!) I'm a new follower.

  11. I would join up, if you choose to host next year.

  12. I would love to join! I was so sad to see (though I completely understand) that Sarah couldn't host for 2014. Hope you do host -- I could use some encouragement to get back into reading classics again.

  13. I think it sounds wonderful. I would like to hear more about it and hope you host :)

  14. So the quote that sprang to mind was "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread," but don't take that the wrong way--I would love to see you host this challenge and I would definitely sign up (again). It was one of my favorite challenges this year.

    I've toyed with the idea of hosting a challenge myself, but was daunted by the details. With this scenario, you're inheriting an existing successful challenge, which is definitely a step up from coming up with all the details, including name recognition and existing fans.

    My vote: Go for it!

  15. Yay! I'm completely in if you host it! It's one of only 2 challenges I participate in each year and I love it. Sarah is awesome for hosting it and I'm so glad you're thinking about taking it over. Possible category ideas... hmmm. Maybe a classics that has been made into a movie, a classic that with religious themes, a classics sci-fi/fantasy book, a classic with a family member in the title (Mother, son, aunt, etc). Just tossing out ideas. I hope you decide to do it!

    1. Ooo I like the idea of a classic that was made into a movie! And I'll throw out another one -- maybe a classic that has been banned or challenged? -- I'm a little biased on that one because I host a banned books challenge, but I really do think a lot of great classics would qualify :)

  16. I agree with everyone above - do it!!

    I've just hosted an AusReading Month for the first time on my blog. The linky stuff is easy - lots of options out there (I use InLinkz). I also think that hosting can be as easy or as challenging as you want to make it for yourself. How often you post and all the extra's are up to you...and sometimes life just gets in the way, for all of us :-)
    I guess what I'm saying is, it shouldn't be a chore if you feel passionate about it. You'll find your own groove as you go along and the meeting & support of new blogger friends will entirely make up for any sleepless nights!!

    I've already committed to 3 challenges for next year, but once you post your categories I may be able to slot them into my existing list :-)

    Good luck and have fun.

    1. Done! How could I resist with such a great response?

  17. I think you should continue this tradition! It is simple and fun to participate in it!

    1. Yes, once I figured out how to set up Mr. Linky, it's no more difficult than any other blog posting. I'll have to make 11 separate posts with links after the new year, but that won't be difficult, just a little time consuming.

  18. I would definitely be interested in participating.

  19. I'm late to the party, but I think it would be wonderful if you took over as hostess. I've always wanted to participate and would be sure to sign up for 2014 if you keep it running. It would ensure that I get some classics read next year.

    1. I would love it if you joined! I'd really miss this challenge if no one did it.


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