Owned and Unread Project

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Classic Link-Up Post: Classic Mystery, Suspense or Thriller Novel

Please link your reviews for your Classic Mystery, Suspense, or Thriller Novel here.  This is only for the Classic Mystery, Suspense or Thriller Novel category.  If you do not have a blog, or somewhere public on the internet where you post book reviews, please write your mini-review/thoughts in the comments section.  If you like, you can include the name of your blog and/or the title of the book in your link, like this: "Karen K. @ Books and Chocolate (Murder on the Orient Express)."  


  1. This one's been on my TBR for a long time, so I had to read it first...

  2. You're first in this category! Can't wait to read your review -- I haven't even decided which book to read for this one.

  3. Karen, please let me know if you think the Odyssey wouldn't work for this category. I was thinking of monsters eating people, crazy woman turning them into pigs, gods fighting against you, Cyclops, ect. could possibly work for the thriller category. It was more gory than I thought it would be.

    1. Sorry, I'm going to have to say no -- I could see it as an adventure classic, though (maybe I'll use that as a category in the future.) But this time around, you could use it as your Classic in Translation if you haven't used that one already!

    2. Could you delete the link please. I tried, but Linky wants to delete a different, more recent link.


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