Owned and Unread Project

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Anthony Trollope Bicentennial

Well, I just recently discovered via some other bloggers that 2015 is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Anthony Trollope, one of my all-time favorite writers!  How did I not realize this?  

So far, I've read 15 of his 47 novels, and I still have 16 unread on my shelves (not to mention three volumes of short stories, his autobiography, and an illustrated biography).  To celebrate my love of Trollope and his charming novels, I'm thinking about hosting a month-long event on my blog.  Trollope was born on April 24, 1815, so I thought April would be an appropriate month.  

I've hosted giveaways before, and I'm currently hosting the second year of the Back to the Classics Challenge, but I've never hosted a blogging event like this.  I was thinking I'd have some sort of sign-up linky, some giveaways, and maybe post weekly updates with links to participants' postings.  I'm definitely open to suggestions!

Bloggers, what do you think?  Are any of you interested in participating?  And what would you like included in a blogging event? 


  1. I am definitely interested! I am so looking forward to the celebrationshop this year, all the discussions about Trollope and his books.

  2. I'm very excited about Anthony's anniversary & planned to read at least a couple of his books this year. I have quite a few on the tbr shelves & the Complete Works on the Kindle so plenty to choose from. April suits me!

  3. Great idea! I already have one of his books set aside for April and hope to read more this year. Just having a place to link up and share is fine with me.

  4. April is months from now, right? The Eustace Diamonds is up next for me in the Palliser series. I could read that in April. Count me in, please.

  5. I'm planning to read the Last Chronicle of Barset soon! Please do it!

  6. I might be able to swing it. I have a couple of other things going on that month but Trollope I'm willing to squeeze in. I have yet to start Framley Parsonage. I may not finish by the end of the month though, but at least I'll get some Trollope reading in!

  7. I am interested - count me in! :)

  8. I'm definitely interested. I'm nearly done with the Pallisers, but so many of Trollope's other works are calling me.

  9. Yes, I'm interested! I'm working my way through the Pallisers at the moment, so an event in April will be perfect for me.

  10. Bahaha, I have the worst timing! I co-hosted a huge Trollope readalong last year. Over the course of about 8 months we read all of Trollope's Chronicles of Barsetshire. Obviously I should have waited just one more year!

  11. I'm in. I'd planned to read a Trollope for the Back to the Classics challenge anyway.

  12. It looks like I'll be reading Barchester Towers in time for your party! Looking forward to celebrating together.

  13. I've not read any novels by Anthony Trollope though I have nominated The Belton Estate for the Reading England 2015 challenge. I would love to join in.

  14. I'd be interested in joining in as well. I plan to read and reread a handful of his books this year.

  15. I'm definitely in, I'm going to be reading more Trollope this year anyway. I'm not so interested in giveaways though as I think international postage is very expensive, so wouldn't want to burden you with that.

  16. I would like to participate. I already planned on reading Framely Parsonage for the 2015 Classics Challenge and I know I could double up on the challenge, but I think I would prefer to try maybe a stand alone for this event.

    I was just reviewing what Thomas at my Porch did for International Anita Brookner Day back in 2011. He gave out prizes for (a) the best review, (b) the best non-review, (c) best picture of your pet reading [Trollop] and(d) a participation prize (random draw). I don’t think he would mind if you borrowing any of these.

    1. Those are great suggestions!! I remember Anita Brookner Day. I'll have to go check his website to see some of the postings. He's one of my favorite bloggers. Thanks!

  17. I STILL have to read my first Trollope so I'm in if you do it.


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