Owned and Unread Project

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Anthony Trollope Bicentennial: First Giveaway Winner!

First, my most sincere apologies for the late posting -- I know, this post was supposed to go up on Friday to announce the winner of my giveaway. (I'm out of town and somehow, my automatic post did not show up on time, and I had no laptop until today).

But without further delay, the winner of the first giveaway is. . . . Melissa at Avid Reader!!  Melissa, I'm sending you an email and we can make arrangements for me to send you your prize, this beautiful Vintage Paperback edition of Can You Forgive Her?

I'll be back home soon, and in a couple of days I'll post some more Trollopian events, including my review of Phineas Finn, a roundup of other posts about Trollope, and my next giveaway!


  1. Congratulations Melissa!

    Will this book be adding to your Trollope collection or starting it?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Adding to it! I read all six of his Barsetshire Chronicles last year.

  2. What a gorgeous cover! Congratulation to Melissa.

    I want to read that one soon!

  3. The edition is just gorgeous! Thank you!


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