Owned and Unread Project

Friday, December 4, 2015

Classics Spin #11

It's time for another Classics Club Spin! I'm nearly finished with my list -- only 11 books left to go, and it's Classics Spin #11 -- how can I resist?

On Monday, the Classics Club will post a random number from 1 to 20. Since I only have 11 left, I've put them in order, and then repeated 9 of them again to make an even 20. Fate will decide my next book selection, to be posted on February 1. Here are my choices: 

1.  Main Street by Sinclair Lewis
2. A Dance to the Music of Time (First Movement) by Anthony Powell
3. New Grub Street by George Gissing 
4. The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas 
5.  Armadale by Wilkie Collins
6. Lark Rise to Candleford by Flora Thompson 
7. The Mystery of Edwin Drood by Charles Dickens 
8. The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo 
9.  The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James 
10. The Four Feathers by A. E. W. Mason 
11. Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis 

And to make it an even 20, here are the repeats:

12. The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James

13. The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas
14. Main Street by Sinclair Lewis
15. Armadale by Wilkie Collins
16. A Dance to the Music of Time (First Movement) by Anthony Powell
17. The Four Feathers by A. E. W. Mason
18. New Grub Street by George Gissing
19. Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis
20. Lark Rise to Candleford by Flora Thompson

Which books should I hope for? I really loved No Name so I'm hoping for Armadale by Wilkie Collins, or maybe New Grub Street. (I can also count my pick towards next year's Back to the Classics Challenge!) Anyone else participating? 

Updated: The Classics Spin number is #19! So I'll be reading Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis. 


  1. Good luck with your spin!
    Well done on only having 11 books to go.
    I keep adding books to my list, so I never seem to see the end!!

    We share Edwin Drood if no 7 is spin on Monday :-)

    1. I'd really love to knock Drood off the list, though I've tried and not been able to get into it. I am determined to finish all of Dickens and it's the only novel I haven't read yet!

      I've been pretty good about not adding any books to my list, but I do have a second list already started! But I'm committed to finishing the first list before I start on the second.

  2. Replies
    1. Portrait of a Lady is one of the scariest books left on my list -- that and Hunchback! But your recommendation gives me hope.

  3. Oh, you have some good ones left! I always think that when I get to the end of my list, I'll be groaning about the choices! :-) I'm in such a mood for a Dumas but Kingsley Amis might be alot of fun. Best of luck with your choice!

    1. I've tried starting Lucky Jim a couple of times but couldn't get into it -- maybe I was just not in the mood. Dumas would probably be a fun winter read. I do have a couple that scare me, Portrait of a Lady and Hunchback especially. I've already read Moby-Dick so I think the toughest read is already behind me.

  4. Only 11 books left - congratulations! I hope you get A Portrait of a Lady, too... really loved that book. Good luck.

    1. Thanks! I'm kinda scared of Henry James, but you're the second person who's recommended Portrait. We'll see on Monday!

  5. Hello Karen, I just wanted to be polite and say that I have taken inspiration from your spin list and mentioned you in my spin post. I hope you don't mind.

    Speaking of your list, I love it! Some of your titles have been on my TBR for a long time, some I have never heard of and only one that I have read - Portrait of a Lady. Like JoAnn, I would also take the liberty to recommend it. Although, I have a strange relationship with James - sometimes I like him, sometimes I really don't.

    Good luck with your spin :)

  6. The only two I've read is Larkrise to Candleford, which is really nothing like the TV series it inspired, and Main Street, which I read in college and for which I remember absolutely nothing, so that hardly counts.

    Kudos to you whittling away at the list. Just think how much fun you'll have creating a new classics list when you've finished this one!


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