Owned and Unread Project

Monday, June 12, 2017

Challenge Link-Up Post: Final Wrap-Up

Have you finished the Back to the Classics Challenge?  Congratulations!  This is where you'll link up to your Challenge Wrap-Up Post, after you've completed a minimum of six different categories from the original challenge post.  This post is only for Challenge-Wrap Up Posts.  If you do not have a blog, or anywhere you post publicly, please write up your post-challenge thoughts/suggestions/etc in the comments section below.  Please read the directions carefully. 

By linking or commenting here, you are declaring that you have completed the challenge; that each book reviewed fits the correct definition of the category, and was published before 1967 (except for posthumous publications); and that your reviews for each category are linked to the correct post. If I cannot find links to your reviews, I cannot give you credit and thus enter you into the drawing.  THIS is where I will look at the end of the year and randomly choose the winner for the bookish prize. 

Please remember to indicate the following within THIS POST, linked below, or in the comments section below if you do not have your own blog:

1. Which book corresponds to each category;

2. The number of entries you have earned for the prize drawing; 
3. Links to your reviews. 

If you do NOT include links to your original reviews IN THIS POST, I CANNOT ENTER YOU INTO THE DRAWING.


  • If you've completed six categories and you get one entry.
  • Complete nine categories, and you get two entries.
  • Complete all twelve categories, and your name is entered into the drawing three times!

    Please be sure and include some kind of contact for me within your final wrap-up post. This year, I will be contacting the winner privately BEFORE posting their name publicly on this blog. If I cannot contact you, I cannot award your prize. If there is no contact on your blog post, please email me at karenlibrarian13 [at] yahoo [dot] com. 

    Congratulations, and thanks again for participating in the Back to the Classics Challenge!


    1. I am finished with my 12 titles! Thanks for another year's challenge. My email is silviacachia at gmail dot com.

    2. I'd forgotten to add my comment to this one. My email address is paulavince at internode dot on dot net. I enjoyed the years of classics very much.

    3. This is my first year to participate in this challenge, and I’m so glad I did. I read books I would have not ordinarily read, and I am so thankful I did. I was able to finish all 12 categories, and I look forward to seeing what categories you come up for us next year. I thought the prompts gave a great variety of books to choose from. Thank you! My email address is stamping@eatel.net

      The following list contains the books I read for the 2017 Back to the Classics Challenge:

      19th Century Classic: The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave

      20th Century Classic: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

      Classic by a Woman Author: Francois le Bossu

      Classic in Translation: Bonjour Tristesse

      Pre-1800 Classic: Candide

      Romance Classic: Pride and Prejudice

      Gothic or Horror Classic: Rebecca

      Classic with a Number in the Title: Three Men in a Boat

      Classic about an Animal: Animal Farm

      Classic Set in a Place You’d Like to Visit: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass

      Award-Winning Classic: Friday the Rabbi Slept Late

      Russian Classic: The Death of Ivan Ilyich

      Shirley (stampartiste)

    4. I have finally worked out how to make lists on goodreads too late for this year. Will there be one next year

    5. I am finished with all 12 categories of the challenge! Here is the list of books I've read:

      1. A 19th Century Classic: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen (1811)
      2. A 20th Century Classic: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (1932)
      3. A Classic by a Woman Author: Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf (1923)
      4. A Classic in Translation: Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh (1945)
      5. A Classic Published Before 1800: King Lear by William Shakespeare (1603)
      6. A Romance Classic: Persuasion by Jane Austen (1817)
      7. A Gothic or Horror Classic: The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde (1890)
      8. A Classic with a Number in the Title: 1984 by George Orwell (1949)
      9. A Classic about an Animal: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (1960)
      10. A Classic Set in a Place You'd Like to Visit: The Painted Veil by Somerset Maugham (1925)
      11. An Award-Winning Classic: Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons (1932)
      12. A Russian Classic: We by Yevgeny Zamyatin (1924)

      I tried to squeeze into my list as many "everyone has read this but me" books as possible and I am proud of the result. I have finally read books that were on my to read shelf for years and have been recommended to me by so many people that I lost count.

      Thanks for the challenge. I am looking forward to participating in it next year.

      My email: anahit.hn[at]gmail[dot]com
      My Goodreads account: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/60282757-anahit-h


    6. Just added my link. I've completed 11 books on my GoodReads shelf for this challenge, but if I read #12 before the year ends (a classic by a woman) I will add that to my shelf.

      All the books I read for this challenge were good, but the highlights were Herodotus, Thucydides, Anne Bronte's The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (all new to me) and my reread of LotR. (My shelf includes my review for FotR, since that was my link for "read a classic 20th century novel" but I read the rest of it later on).

    7. Maybe my comment didn't go through the first time. I liked all the books I read for this challenge, but my favorites were:
      LotR reread (I linked to my FotR review for this challenge)
      The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

    8. I completed 6 categories and have linked up my reviews. Please ignore #14, which includes the wrong link (I'd delete it if I could.) My correct wrap up is #15. I'm reachable on readingwishes at hotmail dot com or on Twitter @readingwishes Thanks for hosting a great challenge and for inspiring us to pick up the classics!

    9. Wrap up post Classic Challenge 2017
      19th Century “Sybil” by Benjamin Disraeli. The alternative title “Two Nations” suggested the book is very relevant to the USA today.https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1858651828?book_show_action=false&from_review_page=1

      20th Century “The Year Before Last” By Kay Boyle. A modernist classic.

      By a Woman Author “Devoted Ladies” by M.J. Farrell (Molly Keane- out of her depth here.)https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1858672161?book_show_action=false&from_review_page=1

      Classic in Translation “Kristin Lavransdatter: The Wreath” by Sigrid Unset. What a find! https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1858342993?book_show_action=false&from_review_page=1

      Classic Published Before 1800 “The Vicar of Wakefield” by Oliver Goldsmith. A Vicar’s picaresque journey through life. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1841364087?book_show_action=false&from_review_page=1

      A Romance Classic “The Song of the Lark” by Willa Cather. Probably my favourite book in this year’s challenge. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1846086443?book_show_action=false&from_review_page=1

      A Gothic or Horror Classic “Uncle Silas” by Sheridan Le Fanu. Made me jump when I least expected it.

      Classic with a Number in the Title “Two on a Tower” by Thomas Hardy. Not Hardy’s best book. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2006779660?book_show_action=false&from_review_page=1

      Classic with an Animal in the Title “The Island of Sheep” by John Buchan. An enthralling adventure.

      A Classic Set in a Place you’d like to Visit. “Mary O’Grady by Mary Lavin. Not a great novel about Dublin but led me to her magnificent short stories.

      An Award-winning Classic “The Slow Natives” by Thea Astley. The Miles Franklin Award winner.

      A Russian Classic “A Hero of Our Time” by Mikhail Lermotov. This is a psychological novel of great skill. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1841585609?book_show_action=false&from_review_page=1

      Thank you Karen. Once again the Classics Challenge has led me on a literary journey that has broadened my reading life and through that my experience of other lives and times.

      Thank you

      PatK kenber@sbcglobal.net

      1. Thanks so much for your thorough wrap-up -- I know it's a little trickier using Goodreads. May I use your posts as an example if anyone asks how to participate using Goodreads? And congratulations on finishing all 12 books!

    10. I'm done and I've linked :) Thanks for hosting this! My email address is onbookes at gmail.com

    11. I posted my wrap up a couple of days ago but it doesn't seem to appear here, so here we go again.

      I finished all 12 categories of Back to the Classics Challenge 2017. Most of the books I read belonged to the "everyone has read this but me" type and I am really happy that this challenge helped me to finally read them!

      Thank you, Karen, for the amazing challenge. I hope there is going to be another one in 2018.


    12. I read books for all 12 categories, although I only reviewed 11 of them. I read some really great classics this year, so I'm very happy.
      My e-mail address is mybookstrings at gmail dot com

    13. Is there a date by which we have to submit here? I'm working on book #12 right now but probably won't have a post up on my site until later.

    14. Linked my final wrap-up. Email chudson9(at)bigpond(dot)com
      Thanks, Karen.

    15. Hi! I don't have a blog, so I'm posting my final list here.

      Email Address... just click on my profile name, and you'll find a link to my email address.

      I finished the whole list of 12 titles for the challenge. (3 entries)

      19th Century Classic: Journey to the Center of the Earth

      20th Century Classic: Johnny Tremain

      Classic by a Woman Author: The Mysterious Affair at Styles

      Classic in Translation: The Hunchback of Notre-Dame

      Pre-1800 Classic: Beauty and the Beast

      Romance Classic: Rebecca

      Gothic or Horror Classic: Frankenstein

      Classic With a Number in the Title: Three Men in a Boat

      Classic About an Animal: Moby-Dick

      Classic Set In a Place You'd Like to Visit: My Side of the Mountain

      Award-Winning Classic: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

      Russian Classic: The Double


    16. Finally done! Email in wrap up post.

    17. I've finished my twelve titles and linked to my wrap-up post above (the wrap-up post contains the links to each review). My email address is anolinde at gmail dot com.

      Here is what I read:

      A 19th century classic - Lady Susan
      A 20th century classic - Little House in the Big Woods
      A classic by a woman author - Villette
      A classic in translation - The Iliad
      A classic published before 1800 - The Aeneid
      A romance classic - Jane Eyre
      A Gothic or horror classic - Northanger Abbey
      A classic with a number in the title - The Three Musketeers
      A classic about an animal or which includes the name of an animal in the title - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
      A classic set in a place you'd like to visit - The Fellowship of the Ring
      An award-winning classic - To Kill a Mockingbird
      A Russian classic - Anna Karenina

    18. I've finished my twelve titles and linked to my wrap-up post above (the wrap-up post contains the links to each review). My email address is anolinde at gmail dot com.

      Here is what I read:

      A 19th century classic - Lady Susan
      A 20th century classic - Little House in the Big Woods
      A classic by a woman author - Villette
      A classic in translation - The Iliad
      A classic published before 1800 - The Aeneid
      A romance classic - Jane Eyre
      A Gothic or horror classic - Northanger Abbey
      A classic with a number in the title - The Three Musketeers
      A classic about an animal or which includes the name of an animal in the title - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
      A classic set in a place you'd like to visit - The Fellowship of the Ring
      An award-winning classic - To Kill a Mockingbird
      A Russian classic - Anna Karenina

    19. I read all twelve and linked to my wrap up! My email address is aggierudy3 at gmail dot com.

      I'm most proud of having tackled and conquered The Brothers Karamazov. I don't know if I would have persevered without a book group and the desire to finish this challenge.

    20. Yay! I’ve completed all 12. My Goodreads shelf for this challenge is:

      I read the following books:

      1) 19th Century Classic
      Can You Forgive Her? By Anthony Trollope

      2) 20th Century Classic
      Death in the Stocks – Georgette Heyer

      3) Classic by a woman author
      Anne of Green Gables – L. M. Montgomery

      4) Classic in translation
      Notes from Underground – Fyodor Dostoyevsky

      5) Pre-1800 classic
      Don Quixote – Miguel de Servantes

      6) Romance classic
      The Convenient Marriage – Georgette Heyer

      7) Gothic classic
      Frankenstein – Mary Shelley

      8) Classic with a number in the title
      A Tale of Two Cities – Charles Dickens

      9) Classic about an animal
      Animal Farm – George Orwell

      10) Classic set in a place you’d like to visit
      Bath Tangle – Georgette Heyer

      11) Award-winning classic
      Cold Comfort Farm – Stella Gibbons

      12) Russian classic
      Crime and Punishment – Fyodor Dostoyevsky

      I really enjoyed completing this classic throughout the year. In total, I read 21 classics this year and this challenge was a big factor in that. I am very happy that I finally got round to reading some of those classics I’d been meaning to read for years. I was also introduced to some I’d never known before. I’m looking forward to next year’s classic challenge and have already started my TBR for that.

      My email is: matthewandvicky@gmail.com

      Thank you!

    21. I realized my Google and Wordpress accounts aren’t linked. I’m Elaine and I blog at Humble Adoration.

    22. Just linked my wrap up post. Thanks for doing this Karen! I am already looking forward to doing it again next year. :D

    23. Yay! I’ve completed all 12. My Goodreads shelf for this challenge is:

      I read the following books:

      1) 19th Century Classic
      Can You Forgive Her? By Anthony Trollope

      2) 20th Century Classic
      Death in the Stocks – Georgette Heyer

      3) Classic by a woman author
      Anne of Green Gables – L. M. Montgomery

      4) Classic in translation
      Notes from Underground – Fyodor Dostoyevsky

      5) Pre-1800 classic
      Don Quixote – Miguel de Servantes

      6) Romance classic
      The Convenient Marriage – Georgette Heyer

      7) Gothic classic
      Frankenstein – Mary Shelley

      8) Classic with a number in the title
      A Tale of Two Cities – Charles Dickens

      9) Classic about an animal
      Animal Farm – George Orwell

      10) Classic set in a place you’d like to visit
      Bath Tangle – Georgette Heyer

      11) Award-winning classic
      Cold Comfort Farm – Stella Gibbons

      12) Russian classic
      Crime and Punishment – Fyodor Dostoyevsky

      I really enjoyed completing this classic throughout the year. In total, I read 21 classics this year and this challenge was a big factor in that. I am very happy that I finally got round to reading some of those classics I’d been meaning to read for years. I was also introduced to some I’d never known before. I’m looking forward to next year’s classic challenge and have already started my TBR for that.

      My email is: matthewandvicky@gmail.com

      Thank you!

    24. I have finished the 2017 challenge having finished a book and review in all categories! Like someone commented above, most of these books were a long time on my to-read list. I am really thankful for the encouragement participating in the challenge brings with it and I am looking forward to next year's. The reviews are in Goodreads on this shelf:

      A 19th century classic - The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot

      A 20th century classic - The Ambassadors by Henry James

      A classic by a woman author - The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton

      A classic in translation - War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

      A classic published before 1800 - Jacques the Fatalist by Denis Diderot

      A romance classic - Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak

      A Gothic or horror classic - Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

      A classic with a number in the title - The Twelve Chairs by Ilya Ilf Fainzilberg and Evgeny Petrovich Kataev

      A classic about an animal or which includes the name of an animal in the title - Animal Farm by George Orwell

      A classic set in a place you'd like to visit - Notre-Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo

      An award-winning classic - The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton Wilder

      A Russian classic - And Quiet Flows the Don by Mikhail Sholokhov

    25. I’m very happy that I stumbled upon this challenge. I’m definitely coming back for 2018! I didn’t complete all 12, but I got in 9 and a much longer list to start on for next year. My email is ladysaraii1983@yahoo.com. Thank you so much!

      Goodreads List: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/3389583-ladysaraii?shelf=back-to-the-classics-2017&utf8=%E2%9C%93

      Here is my list for the 2017 Back to the Classics Challenge:

      19th Century Classic: The Importance of Being Earnest 


      20th Century Classic: O Pioneers! 


      Classic by a Woman Author: The Bell Jar 


      Classic in Translation: The Little Prince 


      Romance Classic: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 


      Gothic or Horror Classic: The Picture of Dorian Gray  https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1878023277


Classic about an Animal: Flowers for Algernon https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1875012117

      Award-Winning Classic: The Witch of Blackbird Pond

      Russian Classic: Uncle Vanya  https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1918451400

    26. Just posted my recap for 6 titles. My email is ehc16e at yahoo dot com. Thanks for the challenge

    27. This is Joel @ I Would Rather Be Reading. For some reason, it always shows as anonymous when i post a comment. Just posted my wrap-up of my 12 reviews! My email is getterjoel at yahoo dot com. Thank you for hosting this awesome challenge. I'm including the link to my final post in case the link above doesn't work:


    28. This is Joel @ I Would Rather Be Reading. For some reason, it always shows as anonymous when i post a comment. Just posted my wrap-up of my 12 reviews! My email is getterjoel at yahoo dot com. Thank you for hosting this awesome challenge. I'm including the link to my final post in case the link above doesn't work:


    29. My wrap-up post is up! Thank you for organizing this challenge- it's a great way to tackle that towering TBR list! e-mail: gemmell.t.r at gmail dot com.

    30. Thanks for the challenge. Just posted my wrap-up. My blog is a hot cup of pleasure.

    31. Thanks for hosting this challenge again! I was lucky enough to win the prize last year, so not sure if I'm eligible again, but good luck to everyone. Starting the year off with books in the mail is pretty great! :)

      rob at looselogic dot com

      1. Yes, you are eligible! Thanks for participating again, glad to see you back!

    32. At Goodreads I have a list of the books I have used for this challenge.


      19th Century - Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Persuasion, Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, and Wuthering Heights

      20th Century - The Grapes of Wrath and The Great Gatsby

      By a female author - The Awakening by Kate Chopin and The Scarlet Pimpernel by Emmuska Orczy

      In translation (ALL by Moliere) - The Misanthrope, The School for Wives, The Bungler, The Imaginary Invalid, The Imaginary Cuckold, The Pretentious Young Ladies, and The Doctor Inspite of Himself

      Pre 1800 - Candide

      Romance - Arabella by Georgette Heyer and Love's Labours Lost by Shakespeare

      Gothic or Horror - The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and The Picture of Dorian Gray

      An number in the title - The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Richard II, Henry IV parts 1 and 2, Henry V, Richard III, Henry VIII, Twelfth Night (ALL by Shakespeare) and 4:50 From Paddington by Agatha Christie

      An animal - Lord of the Flies, The Metamorphosis, The Jungle Book, and The Second Jungle Book

      A place you would like to visit (IRELAND) - The Dubliners

      Award Winner - A Passage to India

      A Russian Classic - Uncle Vanya and The Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov

      ALL 12 Categories completed.

    33. I finished all 12 categories...just barely got them all in! Thanks so much for hosting this! I love doing this!!!

    34. I don't know that I'm doing the link thing correctly since I don't have a blog, but I completed all 12 categories as follows:

      19th century: Miss Marjoribanks by Margaret Oliphant (1866) (https://karensbooksandchocolate.blogspot.de/2017/01/challenge-link-up-post-19th-century.html)

      20th century: Dos Passos, USA Trilogy (1930-36) (https://karensbooksandchocolate.blogspot.de/2017/01/challenge-link-up-post-20th-century.html)

      Woman author: Katherine Anne Porter, Ship of Fools (1962) (https://karensbooksandchocolate.blogspot.de/2017/01/challenge-link-up-post-classic-by-woman.html)

      Translated classic: The Case of Comrade Tulayev by Victor Serge (1948) (https://karensbooksandchocolate.blogspot.de/2017/01/challenge-link-up-post-classic-in.html)

      Pre-1800: Tom Jones by Henry Fielding (1749) (https://karensbooksandchocolate.blogspot.de/2017/01/challenge-link-up-post-classic.html)

      Romance: Sylvia's Lovers by Elizabeth Gaskell (1863) (https://karensbooksandchocolate.blogspot.de/2017/01/challenge-link-up-post-romance-classic.html)

      Gothic or horror: The Italian by Ann Radcliffe (1797) (https://karensbooksandchocolate.blogspot.de/2017/01/challenge-link-up-post-gothic-or-horror.html)

      Number in a title: The Four Feathers by A.E.W Mason (1902) (https://karensbooksandchocolate.blogspot.de/2017/01/challenge-link-up-post-classic-with.html)

      Animal in a title: Nightbirds on Nantucket (1966) (https://karensbooksandchocolate.blogspot.de/2017/01/challenge-link-up-post-classic-about.html)
      (Even to the extent the titular nightbirds are humans, it’s also about a whale.)

      Set in a place I'd like to visit: Kim by Rudyard Kipling (1900-01) (the place being India) (https://karensbooksandchocolate.blogspot.de/2017/01/challenge-link-up-post-classic-set-in.html)

      Award-winning: The Education of Henry Adams by Henry Adams (published in 1918 and won a Pulitzer in 1919) (https://karensbooksandchocolate.blogspot.de/2017/01/challenge-link-up-post-award-winning.html)

      Russian classic: Virgin Soil by Ivan Turgenev (1877) (https://karensbooksandchocolate.blogspot.de/2017/01/challenge-link-up-post-russian-classic.html)

    35. I absolutely can not believe that I missed the deadline to post my wrap up post by just a few hours! I completed 9 of the 12 categories, and my wrap up post is here: https://scrappycat.blogspot.com/2018/01/2017-back-to-classics-reading-challenge.html
      Since we had all of 2017 to read the books, I assumed we would have a few days in 2018 to post our wrap up. These are the books I read; the links to reviews are in my wrap up post (my email address is csgebhart at gmail dot com):

      1. A 19th century classic - Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte (finished 10/15/2017)

      2. A 20th century classic - The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club by Dorothy L. Sayers (finished 2/10/2017)

      3. A classic by a woman author - Strong Poison by Dorothy L. Sayers (finished 2/15/2017)

      4. A classic in translation

      5. A classic originally published before 1800

      6. A romance classic - Emma by Jane Austen (finished 2/23/2017)

      7. A Gothic or horror classic - Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier (finished 3/21/2017)

      8. A classic with a number in the title - The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan (finished 6/3/2017)

      9. A classic about an animal or which includes the name of an animal in the title - The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett (finished 3/10/2017)

      10. A classic set in a place you'd like to visit - Five Red Herrings by Dorothy L. Sayers (finished 4/30/2017)

      11. An award-winning classic - The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton (finished 7/11/2017)

      12. A Russian classic

    36. I couldn't find this page when I finished and just updated the link on my original sign up! I finished early in December. I guess it's too late now, huh :( Just in case you'll still allow it: https://archaeologycat.wordpress.com/2017/12/02/2017-classics-reading-challenge-completed/ (and on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/1872007-susan?shelf=classics-2017-reading-challenge)

    37. I didn't make it in time for the linky, but my wrap-up post went up yesterday. I completed 4/6 categories. https://catonthebookshelf.wordpress.com/2018/01/01/2017-reading-challenges-wrap-up/
      -- Carrie @ Cat on the Bookshelf


    Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.