Owned and Unread Project

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Classics Club Spin #17

I've narrowed my new Classics Club list down to 20 books for the next Classics Club Spin. On Friday the Classics Club will randomly choose a number from one to twenty. The number from this list that corresponds will be one of my next reads, and I'll post about it sometime in April. Wish me luck!

Four books I really want to read: 

1. Bond Street Story by Norman Collins
2. Westwood by Stella Gibbons
3. One Fine Day by Mollie Panter-Downes
4. Summer Half by Angela Thirkell

Four books I've been putting off forever:

5. Alas, Poor Lady by Rachel Ferguson
6. A Pair of Blue Eyes by Thomas Hardy
7. Under the Greenwood Tree by Thomas Hardy
8. The Pumpkin-Eater by Penelope Mortimer

Four Virago Modern Classics:

9. A Pin to See the Peepshow by F. Tennyson Jesse
10. Invitation to the Waltz by Rosamund Lehmann
11. The Little Ottleys by Ada Leverson
12. The World My Wilderness by Rose Macauley

Four by Anthony Trollope:

13. Is He Popinjoy? by Anthony Trollope
14. Kept in the Dark by Anthony Trollope
15. Linda Tressel and Nina Balatka by Anthony Trollope
16. An Old Man's Love by Anthony Trollope

Four by Emile Zola:

17. La Debacle by Emile Zola
18. The Fortunes of the Rougons by Emile Zola
19. A Love Story by Emile Zola
20. Money by Emile Zola

Updated: The Classics Spin has spoken, and I've been assigned #3 One Fine Day by Mollie Panter-Downes -- I'm so pleased! 

Bloggers, which do you recommend? And is anyone else participating in the next Spin?


  1. I have listed my 20 books although I don't have a thematic approach. I assume that your Trollope titles were selected because you've read his other works--or most of them. I selected the books I am most happy to read.

    1. Yes, I've read about half of Trollope so far. I have about a dozen Trollopes still unread on my shelves, but I don't know how fast I can read them -- and I want to stretch them out as long as possible. It will be a bittersweet day when I've read every single one of his books!

  2. I like your categories. I've read three of the books you've been putting off - Alas, Poor Lady, A Pair of Blue Eyes and Under the Greenwood Tree - and enjoyed all three. Good luck on Friday!

    1. I've been putting all of them off, Hardy is sometimes tough for me. Those two are shorter works and I think one of them actually has a happy ending!

  3. I enjoyed numbers 3, 4, 6, 7, 10 and 15. Most of them pre-blogging days though. I'm taking part in this spin but I don't have any of your books on my list. Great list though.

  4. I'm hoping my Zola gets spun up this time since I'm planning on reading it anyway for #Zoladdiction in April :-)

    Good luck with your new cc list.


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