Owned and Unread Project

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Challenge Link-Up Post: Classic Play

Please link your reviews for the Classic Play here. This is only for the Classic Play category. This includes any play that was written or performed at least 50 years ago. Plays are eligible in this category only.

If you do not have a blog, or somewhere public on the internet where you post book reviews, please write your mini-review/thoughts in the comments section. If you like, you can include the name of your blog and or/the title of the book in your link, like this: " Karen K. @ Books and Chocolate (A Raisin in the Sun)."


  1. Hi Karen,
    It's only January and I've made a couple of errors in posting links.
    The first error is that I did not name the play the way others have in the Classic Play of 2019 List. The link, however, does link to my review of The Years Between by Daphne Du Maurier.
    The second error is that I thought I could figure a way to correct it, but when I tried to do that, I'm sorry to say I inserted the link in the "Classic from a Place You've Lived" category.
    I am so sorry to have messed things up like this!
    And once again, thank you so much for hosting this challenge.

    1. It's no problem, just put in a new link to the correct post, and let me know in the comments. I can delete the incorrect links. And thanks for participating, I hope you read some books that you love!

  2. Just finished my second Classic of the year, and I have to say, it feels good! Especially since I truly enjoyed this one, and cannot wait to see it live later this year.

  3. I listened to an unabridged fully-dramatized version of The Winter's Tale by Shakespeare. Then we watched the BBC/TimeLife version as a family. We had to stop it every so often to explain what was being said. While it has its sad parts, it ends well for most of the characters. So it isn't a classic tragedy, but neither is it a comedy. Thanks for including The Play as a category!

  4. Just finished my second book. I started late in February due to having to take an exam for work.

  5. Another classic completed. Yay! :)

  6. I've read The Importance of Being Earnest. Classic Oscar Wilde, and very funny.

  7. My review of: The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Dr. Faustus Perhaps the most famous telling of the Faustian Legend.

  8. I've already read a book for each of the categories, so I'm starting to double up! I started the year by reading 4 miracle/morality plays and now I'm starting the doubles by reading four comedies by Shakespeare!

  9. Finished A Doll's House and the other plays in the Four Major Plays book. Love seeing which plays everyone is reading!

  10. It's hard to read a play, much easier to understand it when it's performed, but as I persevered I began to realize that the rather unusual structure of this play from the 1940s makes it shockingly relevant today.

  11. Catherine Middleton. I have read I am a Camera

  12. ANOTHER play entry?! Yup... this one is a play adaptation of Agatha Christie's A Murder is Announced.


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