Owned and Unread Project

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Challenge Link-Up Post: Abandoned Classic

Please link your reviews for your Abandoned Classic here. This is only for the Abandoned Classic category. Pick a classic book that you started that never finished -- it could be something you didn't like or just didn't have time to finish. 

If you do not have a blog, or somewhere public on the internet where you post book reviews, please write your mini-review/thoughts in the comments section.  If you like, you can include the name of your blog and/or the title of the book in your link, like this: "Karen K. @ Books and Chocolate (The Brothers Karamazov)." 


  1. Hard to believe the abandoned classic was the first one I was able to complete. So glad I gave Dickens another go because I loved A Tale of Two Cities and will definitely be reading more of his work soon!
    Kiel @ Tuning Hearts

  2. I started this as a teen. I don't remember why I abandoned it. Glad to have completed it now. My review of: Riders of the Purple Sage

  3. I've posted my review of Cranford for this category.

  4. I can't imagine why I abandoned reading this book. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it through this time. It's very funny while very pointed. Thank you Karen for giving me a reason to try again.

    1. I'm glad you liked it! The Warden is a little dry but it really sets up the action for Barchester Towers, which is sooo good -- I hope you read more Trollope!

  5. I had started reading 1984, then ended up putting it aside when we moved. I had never gotten back to it, so this was a great opportunity to finish the book. Plus it is great to have read a book that is required reading at my school.

  6. I tried to read Absalom, Absalom! when I was a sophomore in college and never finished it. I should have read it back then -- I think I'm too old to appreciate it now.

  7. I finally finished Dracula, which is an epistolatory novel! When I tried to read it the fist time, I struggled when Jonathan Harker's journal abruptly stopped and we jarringly moved into reading several other characters' journal entries instead. I almost stopped around the same spot again because the transition was difficult for me. It was an OK book - not any where near as scary as I was expecting.

  8. Finally got to continue Lord of the Rings! Wasn't as great as Fellowship, but still really enjoyed it! Onto Return of the King, even if it won't count for this challenge!

  9. I don't remember for sure if I ever finished Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde when I tried reading it as a kid, though even if I did, it may have been an abridged version, so it probably still counts here. I do know that I found it incredibly boring back then, and loved it this time through!

  10. Phew, I'm getting this in under the wire! I had tried to read the Golden Bough twice before and never got past Temporary Kings. Third time lucky!


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