Owned and Unread Project

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Challenge Link-Up Post: Classic in Translation

Please link your reviews for your Classic in Translation here.  This is only for the Classic in Translation category.  These should all be classics that were originally written in a language other than your primary language; that is, if you are a native English speaker, it should be a classic written in another language other than English.  If you are not a native English speaker, it could be in English (or any other language, other than your primary language). If you want to read the book in its original language, that's fine too!

If you do not have a blog, or somewhere public on the internet where you post book reviews, please write your mini-review/thoughts in the comments section.  If you like, you can include the name of your blog and/or the title of the book in your link, like this: "Karen K. @ Books and Chocolate (One Hundred Years of Solitude)."


  1. I finally did it! I read The Great Gatsby! I didn't love it, but I also didn't hate it! I still don't really know what to think of it actually, and really want to watch the movie to see if it helps me. Still, whichever way it goes for me, I am glad to have read it!

  2. First one down, just finished The Iliad! I have to say I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. 11 more to go!

  3. I read Child of the Dark, originally written in Portuguese. Very interesting. And sad.

  4. Though in general I'm not counting re-reads for this challenge, I think Beowulf counts because I specifically wanted to try this translation that I hadn't read before. It wasn't my favorite translation, but definitely had it's good points, and the really understandable language would be great for a reader who's intimidated by trying Beowulf for the first time.

  5. I love Australia and I love mythology, the stories cultures tell about who they are, what their norms are and why they live the way they do. This book is a great discovery.

  6. I read Wind, Sand and Stars because I love the Little Prince!


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