Owned and Unread Project

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Challenge Link-Up Post: Classic Humor or Satire


Please link your reviews for your Classic Humor or Satire here.  This is only for the Classic Humor or Satire category. This can be any novel that is humorous or satirical; since humor is subjective, it's up to the reader to decide. If you think Crime and Punishment is funny, go ahead and use it, but please explain why in your post.

If you do not have a blog, or somewhere public on the internet where you post book reviews, please write your mini-review/thoughts in the comments section.  If you like, you can include the name of your blog and/or the title of the book in your link, like this: "Karen K. @ Books and Chocolate (Three Men in a Boat)." 


  1. Wikipedia and GoodReads both mention The Bostonians as a satirical novel. I didn't find it funny ha-ha, but I'm counting it for the challenge in this category.

    1. Works for me! I've only made it through 2 Henry James novellas and they were short, so my hat is off to you. I really have to give him another try.

  2. The Blue Castle is labeled as romance, but I thought it was incredibly witty and snarky. I adored it!

    1. I loved The Blue Castle! I'm reading another LMM novel for the Children's Classic and I think it should be my next read, perfect winter reading.

  3. The Naked Civil Servant was, unfortunately, not for me, but maybe will be for someone else!

  4. Jane and Prudence wasn't laugh out loud humour but still made me smile!

  5. Miss Buncle Married wasn't *quite* as funny as the first book in the series, Miss Buncle's Book, but it still made me chuckle out loud a few times, and was quite a nice comfort read.

  6. I was told The 13 Clocks was a humorous, satirical fairytale... I found it just plain weird, albeit with a couple funny moments. But mostly, weird.

  7. 3 ½ stars for The Loved One Evelyn Waugh called it an Anglo-American Tragedy, but I thought it was quite comic.

  8. The Illiterate Digest was very funny -- but it isn't a novel! Still, it's the only 50+ year old funny work by a Native American (my theme this year) I could find, so I think it should count.

  9. I think there's plenty of satirical observations in Persuasion, so I've chosen it for this category.

  10. I don't usually read satire so reading "Main Street" was interesting. Sinclair Lewis satirized small town America very effectively. The story engaged me and I got what he was talking about without feeling he was going to extremes to make his point.

  11. Can;t believe it took me this long to read Brave New World for the satire categoery.


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