Owned and Unread Project

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Challenge Link-Up Post: 19th Century Classic

Please link your reviews for your 19th Century Classic here.  This is only for the 19th Century Classic category.  All books in this category must have been published from 1800 to 1899.   If you do not have a blog, or somewhere public on the internet where you post book reviews, please write your mini-review/thoughts in the comments section.  If you like, you can include the name of your blog and/or the title of the book in your link, like this: "Karen K. @ Books and Chocolate (Bleak House)." 


  1. Sorry, I had a problem, I thought the link was to register :S not for reviews, sorry, sorry.
    I will register reviews again when I get done my readings

  2. Just linked 'A Tale of Two Cities.' Thanks, Karen.

  3. Just linked House of the Seven Gables :-)

  4. Just linked The Warden and Barchester Towers by Trollope

  5. I linked up Far From the Madding Crowd. I now see that someone else read that also! :) I'll have to check out their thoughts! :)

  6. I just linked my review of Framley Parsonage. I HEART Trollope!

    1. Oh so do I! I discovered him thanks to this Challenge and am now on book number 4! LOL

    2. That is one of the best things about the Classic Challenge categories, the discovery aspect!

      The Warden is still my favorite, mostly because I just adore Mr. Harding. But Dr. Thorne runs a close second. I loved Miss Dunstable in that book.

    3. Me too! She's one of my very favorite Trollope heroines.

    4. Oh who doesn't love Mr Warden? He was my favorite character through both The Warden and Barchester Towers. And Miss Dunstable! Yes, yes. I haven't finished Dr Thorne yet, and I'm anxious to see if her life's story has a happy ending. Will she find a man to love her without regard to her money? No! don't tell me!.

  7. Enjoyed my 11th classic! Almost finished with the challenge!

  8. I read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer...great book!

  9. Sir Walter Scott - another writer I avoided reading in high school. "Waverley" was a great airplane read full of humor, history and adventure

  10. Oh, I just noticed that my latest entry - Cousin Bazilio by Eça de Queiroz - is double! I got an error notification and did it again... sorry!

  11. I posted my 19th-century classic from the second set, ie originally written in English. Hope you'll like my review!


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