Owned and Unread Project

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Challenge Link-Up Post: 20th Century Classic

Please link your reviews for your 20th Century Classic here.  This is only for the 20th Century Classic category.  All books in this category must have been published between 1900 and 1965 to qualify as classics (except for posthumous publications.  If you do not have a blog, or somewhere public on the internet where you post book reviews, please write your mini-review/thoughts in the comments section.  If you like, you can include the name of your blog and/or the title of the book in your link, like this: "Karen K. @ Books and Chocolate (Of Human Bondage)."  


  1. Just finished my first book for the challenge: Appointment in Samarra.

  2. Eventually reviewed my second book for the challenge: East of Eden.

  3. Thanks Karen, just added "The Man in the Brown Suit" by Agatha Christie.

  4. Just read The Hobbit. Now I realized I already read a book for this category. Oops!

    1. If you want, you could change The Hobbit to a different category. Maybe Children's Classic?

  5. Just posted my link to my review of a Norwegian 20th century classic from the Scandinavian canon that very few will have read in English... hope you'll like it!

  6. Here is my link to my review of The Once and Future King, by T.H. White. http://janegs.blogspot.com/2015/06/the-once-and-future-king.html

  7. Posted my review of The Age of Innocence, written of course back in April but forgotten until now. I need to up my blogging game!

  8. Finally read and loved Mrs Dalloway!

  9. Surprisingly enjoyed my 20th century novel, Lady Chatterly's Lover. Enjoy the review!

  10. I read Across Five April and can't get over it! It was fabulous!!!

  11. Penelope Mortimer's "Daddy's Gone A'Hunting" made me think of my mother a great deal. How could I have owned it so long and never opened it!


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