Owned and Unread Project

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Challenge Link-Up Post: Genre Classic

Please link your reviews for your Genre Classic here. This is only for the Genre Classic category. This should be a classic work that falls into a genre fiction category, such as fantasy, science fiction, mystery, romance, Western, and horror. Please include the genre somewhere in your review if it isn't obvious. 
If you do not have a blog, or somewhere public on the internet where you post book reviews, please write your mini-review/thoughts in the comments section.  If you like, you can include the name of your blog and/or the title of the book in your link, like this: "Karen K. @ Books and Chocolate (Murder on the Orient Express)." 


  1. This was a fun one! I picked mystery novel as my genre and read The Circular Staircase by Mary Roberts Rinehart. Highly recommend for a light read!

  2. I picked an early "mystery" novel, The Woman in White, by Wilkie Collins. Think Charles Dickens, but make it mystery!

  3. My review of: Phantastes I was disappointed, though it may have suffered from too high expectations.

  4. I went with Planet of the Damned for classic sci-fi, and it was mostly a fun, pulp adventure experience. Thinking about reading more by the author eventually.

  5. I enjoyed reading Babel-17, a classic sci-fi by a gay African-American. Black Lives Matter. Happy gay pride month!

  6. I enjoyed my pick for this one, The Hobbit, classic fantasy.

  7. Read The Conjure-Man Dies, a wonderful Harlem Renaissance mystery from 1932. So sorry the author died before he could write any more.

  8. I suddenly realized The Fellowship worked perfectly for this, and I'm glad too, because I needed a reread to continue after watching the first movie, and I loved it so much!

  9. My original choice for a genre book (Western fiction) was "Cimarron" by Edna Ferber. I could only obtain it through the inter-library Link+ system which usually works well. However, early this year our county library system was hit by a ransomware cyber attack. After some weeks we did finally get the catalog back but we are still shut out of Link+ So I have substituted "Giant" by Edna Ferber which I had also long wanted to read. I hope this is Okay.


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