Portrait of Madame Francois Baron by Jacques Louis David, 1769
So. It's probably pretty obvious that my blogging has really dropped off the past few months. To be honest, it feels like homework. I'm still reading but haven't been really inspired to write anything for ages. However, it's REALLY hard for me to let go of anything, so I may give it one more shot. So my question is (if anyone is still reading this blog):
Would anyone be interested in another Back to the Classics Challenge for 2022? I realize that it's already January and most bloggers have already posted their challenges. If you're interested, let me know in the comments below.
And if anyone is wondering -- yes, I will still award a prize for the 2021 Back to the Classics Challenge! I've just finished tabulating the final entries and have contacted the winner privately. Check your inbox to see if you've won! I will announce the winner publicly as soon as I hear back from them.
So -- please leave a comment if if I should continue! Thanks!
Hi Karen, Happy New Year. I loved the photo in this post. Yes. I will be interested in 2022 challenge. Mainly because I loved your categories and it is fun to browse through those books. Fun to try some of them and read. Thanks for asking. I did not enter any challenge yet this year!
ReplyDeleteIf you decide to do this challenge for 2022 I will participate. If you decide not to do it again please know that it has been a lovely challenge to participate in and your past efforts were much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteIf you feel up to it, I'd certainly sign up again--it's always a fun one. And if you don't, well,... it's been a good run. But I hope you do!
ReplyDeleteI would love to sign up!
ReplyDeleteI haven't participated for a few years, but if you decide to host again this year then I am up for the challenge :-)
ReplyDeleteHi Karen, I would be interested in signing up for a 2022 Challenge but whatever you decide to do I want to thank you for all the hard work you gave done in the past hosting the Classics Challenge. I can now say I have read such classics as Middlemarch, The Great Gatsby, New Grub Street, Their Eyes WerecWatching God, My Antonia, To The Lightouse, Bel Ami etc etc and that would never have happened without the Challenge and so whatever you decide to do thank you for this wonderful experience and have a great New Year.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping you would post a challenge for 2022! That being said, when you didn't post anything last month, I went ahead and created my own challenge, which will be a mix of classics and recent. So I probably won't be participating in Back to the Classics this year.
ReplyDeleteI did participate last year, reading all but one of my listed books, but I didn't write very many reviews. Thanks for putting the challenge out there every year. It's always a big part of my reading life!
I made my 2022 list of classics to read on New Year's Eve (and isn't that sad?). So I would sign up. And if you didn't host, almost 200 people that signed up last year would be disappointed. Deprived, even. Lost. Bereft of motivation. They would take to binge-watching "Riverdale." But don't feel any pressure!
ReplyDeleteWell, when you put it that way, how can I refuse? Never let it be said that I drove people to binge-watch Riverdale! (Not that there's anything wrong with that).
DeleteOf course I'd sign up! I understand if you aren't feeling the blogging magic, though.
ReplyDeleteI would definitely sign up! This is my favorite reading challenge & I've left a blank tab open on my reading challenge spreadsheet. But I definitely understand if you don't feel up to hosting the challenge this year. Even if you don't, I will still have my own personal "Back to the Classics" challenge, maybe by just reading 12 books written >50 years ago, or maybe by doing the prompts from a previous year (from before I found this challenge).
ReplyDeleteThank you for your work in hosting these challenges over the past several years!
OK, I am SO IMPRESSED that you have a reading challenge spreadsheet! I LOVE spreadsheets, why didn't I think of this?
DeleteI would definitely sign up again if you decide to do it, but I totally understand if you just need to take a break from it. :)
ReplyDeleteI don't start my reading plans and challenges right away (last year I didn't get started until March), so this doesn't seem late at all to me. I would LOVE to do this challenge again if you decide to run it. But if you don't, thank you for all the times you have run it. It's really been fun.
ReplyDeleteI haven't "officially" participated in a few years, but I always add your categories to my reading challenges spreadsheet and yours is, BY FAR, my favorite of the challenges I participate in. Even if you don't have awards or forms or anything like that, I'd just love it if you kept coming up with categories for us each year. :)
ReplyDeleteAw, thanks!! And ANOTHER blogger with a reading spreadsheet, I'm so impressed! I keep a list on my phone for each month but this is way more impressive. I need to start doing this!
DeleteIt began as a collaboration between a few friends and I where we could share book recommendations for each category and it's been so helpful that I keep making a new one for each year. :)
DeleteYes, absolutely even though I've fallen off the last few years. I'd like to try again!
ReplyDeleteIf you decide to do the challenge, I will join it. I like your categories and the way you have a link up for each category, so I can look for possibilities. I agree with all the things other bloggers have said in the comments.
ReplyDeleteI will definitely do the challenge if you decide on another go at it. It's one of my favorite challenges! I was actually not going to do any challenges this year, but I can't say no to this one....nor Adam's TBR Challenge at Roofbeam Reader.
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine how much work this is. I also know what it's like to feel off blogging-It's happening to me. However, I participate in too many challenges and I think that is part of my problem, because it does feel like work sometimes and frankly, I just want to read classics. So...no pressure, but I was really looking forward to this challenge this year as one of the few I will do. If you do the challenge again, count me in!
ReplyDeleteI too will participate if you decide to do it again. I did so little of my 2021 Challenge list that I am hoping some I had not begun would fit into 2022 categories.
ReplyDeleteI would definitely sign up again! This is my favorite book reading challenge - it's the reason I started a blog in the first place.
ReplyDeleteYES, I would LOVE to do the challenge again! This is my favorite reading challenge on the entire internet. I would definitely participate!
ReplyDeleteHAPPY NEW YEAR! ;)
Yes please!! I am so happy to have recently found your blog, after a big break from reading (I'm an ex-librarian, and I LOVE the classics). I have never participated in a reading challenge before, but I would love to! (I'm in the UK, though, so I'm not sure if I can actively sign up, but I would love to join in anyway!)
ReplyDeleteOf course you can sign up! And the prize can be sent to anywhere world-wide, as long as Book Depository ships there.
DeleteI am always looking forward to Back to the Classics, Karen, and would definitely sign up! Happy 2022 :)
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed the challenge last year (my first time), so I would definitely be interested in the challenge again. But don't feel the pressure from everyone if that is not something you have time, energy, or interest anymore. We love the challenge but we can live without it if it's not something you want to do anymore!
ReplyDeleteI'd be game. I missed one of my challenges for #21....didn't get a play read. :(
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on lacking motivation to blog lately, but would definitely sign up if you ran the challenge again.
ReplyDeleteI have never completed a reading challenge, but I have heard many good things about yours. I actually planned to participate this year - not officially, but just to see if I can keep up. I need a way to put more classics into my reading life, and I felt this would be a good place to start. I hope I'm not too late!
ReplyDeleteI would definitely be in! I love this challenge so much!
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely interested - I need to get going on my Classics Club list. And I just wanted to say I'm glad you posted - I was starting to wonder if something untoward had happened.
ReplyDeleteYes - I do enjoy doing this challenge and recommend it to others often. But if it is more work than fun, I understand.
ReplyDeleteI'm late, as usual, but I just wanted to say that I'm so glad you're doing another challenge. I haven't managed yet to complete the challenge in the three years I've signed up, but it gives a framework to my reading and an incentive to try things I wouldn't otherwise (this year it was Arnold Bennett's Old Wives Tale).
ReplyDeleteP.S. I've tried to subscribe to your blog but somehow can't do it without displaying my name/email address!
Maybe you just needed a break from blogging. I am tempted to sign up for this challenge but my attention span is short lately, which doesn’t mesh well with the classics
ReplyDeleteI have been checking back and checking back to see if you were doing this in 2022. Finally, when it seemed you were not, I went ahead and made my own, based on 2021 categories. Happily, I see you are doing it again, so I have modified my list of books to read. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI would love to do the 2022 challenge if you decide to do it. I was planning to use last year's categories if you choose not to since I got off track and didn't keep up like I'd planned, but would also enjoy a new one.